Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) Calculator

Steven Wooding

Physicist holding a 1st class degree and a member of the Institute of Physics. Creator of the UK vaccine queue calculator, and featured in many publications, including The Sun, Daily Mail, Express, and Independent. Tenacious in researching answers to questions and has an affection for coding. Hobbies include cycling, walking, and birdwatching. You can find him on Twitter @OmniSteve. See full profile

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Based on 1 source

  1. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Tax Code, Regulations and Official Guidance

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The modified adjusted gross income calculator helps you estimate your modified adjusted gross income to determine your eligibility for certain tax benefits and government-subsidized health programs and whether you can make tax-deductible contributions to an individual retirement account or contribute to a Roth IRA. Essentially, your MAGI is a 'modification' of your AGI. You 'modify' your AGI by adding back some of the adjustments or expenses that you initially deducted. These 'adjusted' incomes ensure that you don't pay taxes on every cent you earn, i.e., your gross income.

The modified adjusted gross income is calculated differently for different situations. This article will explore what MAGI is and why it's called a 'modified' AGI, the difference between MAGI and AGI, what makes MAGI an important measure, and finally, we'll learn how to calculate MAGI for different purposes.

What is MAGI?

Depending on the tax benefit or government program you're applying for, there are different ways in which the government evaluates your earnings to ascertain your eligibility. Usually, these evaluations begin by assessing your AGI — your total or gross income for a year minus adjustments to the income that the IRS considers tax-deductible expenses — to reflect your real earning power.

Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) is a further 'adjustment' or 'modification' of your adjusted gross income (AGI) by adding back some of the expenses you initially deducted. The goal is to ascertain that people who eventually qualify for these tax benefits or programs genuinely need it while ensuring that everyone pays their fair share in taxes.

Thus, most of these expenses added back into the AGI are not standard deductions for everyone but are usually specific to high-income earners. That is why most people's AGI and MAGI amounts are very close, sometimes the same.


Therefore, the differences between AGI and MAGI are:

Why is MAGI important?

Generally, the lower your MAGI, the higher your chances of qualifying for certain tax benefits and government programs. It is crucial to understand MAGI because it directly determines the following:

How to calculate MAGI

As stated earlier, different government programs evaluate your MAGI differently. The good thing is that they use your MAGI income, not your gross income, which is usually much higher than your MAGI. So it's good to calculate your MAGI even though you worry that you're not eligible because you 'earn too much,' you might still qualify for the benefit. Therefore, every MAGI calculation has its own instructions.

According to the Internal Revenue Code , you should add the following to your AGI to determine your MAGI:

Some of the common examples of how to calculate MAGI are as follows:

  1. Traditional IRA tax contribution deduction: You calculate MAGI by adding AGI plus
    student loan interest deduction:
  2. Roth IRA eligibility: MAGI is the same calculation as the Traditional IRA formula above, plus any Traditional IRA deduction.
  3. Net investment income (NII) tax: You calculate MAGI by adding AGI plus:

The IRS provides information for this tax benefit in Form 8960 , which is used to calculate your total net investment income (NII) tax for individuals, estates, and trusts.

  1. American opportunity AKA education credit: You calculate MAGI by adding AGI plus:
  2. Child tax credit: You calculate MAGI by adding AGI plus:
  3. Health care AKA premium tax credit: You calculate MAGI by adding AGI plus:

As you'll observe above, the adjustments added to the AGI are not common ones. Most people don't have these income sources, so their MAGI definition is, in fact, the same as their AGI's in practice.

MAGI calculation example

Using the MAGI calculator is a simple process of inputting figures into the necessary fields. Supposing you want to calculate your MAGI to determine your qualification for the Health care tax credit, this is how you can go about it:

  1. Compute your AGI — you can use the AGI calculator to do this swiftly.
  2. Input your AGI into the MAGI calculator — once you input a figure, the calculator begins to sum up your MAGI. Let's say your AGI is $100,000 .
  3. Input only the necessary adjustments — we've already summarised what adjustments to add in Number (6) of the how to calculate MAGI section above.

Also, if you're wondering whether to add the stimulus payment, you don't have to. The CARES Act instructs that its benefit does not affect when calculating income "for any purpose". The exclusion applies to all Medicaid eligibility categories.

When you need to add any other adjustment to income, you can find more options in the Other income and expenses section of the calculator.

Understanding MAGI calculations can be the critical difference in qualifying for a Roth account or a government-subsidized health insurance plan when you file your taxes. If you fail to add the right adjustments back into your AGI, e.g., the more common non-taxable social security benefits, it gets reconciled the next time you file your taxes. You will have to pay back all or part of the overpaid subsidy, depending on your income. But when you know the relevant modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) calculation for a specific tax benefit, you can determine how to take advantage of it and save money on your taxes.

What is AGI?

Adjusted gross income is your gross income minus certain expenses called adjustments. The adjustments are deducted from your gross income first before calculating modified gross income or taxes.

Some items used to calculate the AGI are:

How do I calculate my MAGI?

Here is how you go about calculating your modified adjusted gross income:

  1. Get your gross income for the year.
  2. Calculate your AGI (adjusted gross income).
  3. Find out what deductions you do not qualify for and add them together.
  4. Add the answer in 3 to the answer in 2 .

That's it! You have calculated your MAGI.

If my AGI is $100,000 what is my MAGI?

Assuming that the sum of the deductions that you do not qualify for is $7,000. Your MAGI is $107,000. We calculate this by adding the AGI to the $7,000.

How does child support payments affect MAGI?

Child support payments do not affect MAGI. Child support payments do not incur tax for the recipient. However, it is not tax-deductible to the parent paying it either. When a parent receiving child support calculates his or her gross income, child support received should not be included at all.

Can my MAGI and AGI be the same?

Yes your AGI and MAGI can be the same. If you are eligible for all of the deductions in your AGI then your MAGI would be the same.