The Post-Market Surveillance (PMS) Plan under the MDR and the IVDR (Art. 84/79)

A Post-Market Surveillance (PMS) plan is a document identifying the PMS process activities and their frequencies for collecting PMS inputs.

Everything regarding the design, the planning, and the organisation (action plan) of the PMS activities shall be in this document, and it must provide answers to these questions: Which activities are planned? How these activities will be executed (methods) and based on what (input data)? What are the deliverables (outputs) for each activity? What will be done with these deliverables? Who is doing what by when?

More precisely, the PMS plan must define:

A PMS Plan has to be established for each device or device family.

MDR/IVDR Requirements about the PMS Plan

Article 84 MDR and article 79 IVDR mention that the PMS system of a manufacturer shall be based on a PMS plan but both articles don’t mention directly which are the requirements related to it, redirecting the lecturer near their respective Section 1 of Annex III.

For devices other than custom-made devices, the PMS plan shall be part of the technical documentation.

Both articles have almost the same requirements. Minor differences can be highlighted. Same thing for their respective Annex III.

Translated Requirements

Input Sources - Annex III, Section 1, point (a)

For both medical devices and IVDs, the input sources to be included in a PMS plan should be at least the following according to the MDR and IVDR (no main differences between MDR and IVDR – requirements are almost identical):